Four young boys with immigrant backgrounds stumble upon the recipe for Elixir, a drink that will make them more Swedish, both culturally and in appearance. What starts out as fun...
"Melting Lives - Victims of the New Weather" is a six-part documentary series in which the viewers meet people in the Arctic region who live close to and depend on nature for survival, and who struggle to maintain their way of life. Their tales are being heard...
Nya vädrets offer
This film analyzes the economic interests underpinning the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, with a particular focus on the influence of international oil interests in the region. The analysis found here is inspired by the writings of the Palestinian...
Palestine - Denmark, Same Struggle
Roberto tries to interview his grandmother to find the story behind a family secret. There are two relatives whose faces are crossed out in all the pictures and nobody talks about them.
Los Tachados
"Avoid Straight Angles" - Once upon a time Stefan Sundström was Farsta's Mick Jagger. Then he was influenced by the punk. Now he is one of Sweden's most productive, self-centered and socially critical artists - diligent in terms of both songwriting and touring...
Undvik räta vinklar
Christmas 1968 in Stockholm. A lot of people are working and promoting an alternative christmas. They gather to talk, paint and play music together.
En julsaga
Nepalese women are telling their stories arranged marriages. In the jungle of western Nepal lives Fofo, who is married off at the age of 10 to a man of 20. When Thuli becomes a widow after 10 childbirths she is mocked at by both neighbours and relatives. Savit...
Daughters' Destiny