Documentary depicting the lives of child prostitutes in the red light district of Songachi, Calcutta. Director Zana Briski went to photograph the prostitutes when she met and became friends with their children. Briski began giving photography lessons to the ch...
Born Into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids
How do 1.1 billion people around the world live on less than one dollar a day? Four young friends set out to research and live this reality. Armed with only a video camera and a desire to understand, they spend just 56 dollars each for 56 days in rural Pena Bl...
Living on One Dollar
The inspiring life story of the late photojournalist, artist and activist Dan Eldon, who abandoned a comfortable life in London to document the struggle, heartbreak and hope of a war-torn and famine-ridden region of Africa.
The Journey Is the Destination
A young American and a young English woman are kidnapped by a tribe in Africa. They manage to escape but the leader of the tribe is killed in the process. There's a whole jungle between them and civilization and chief's son wants revenge.
Lost in Africa
Routine is the enemy of time. Jedidiah Jenkins rides his bicycle from Oregon to Patagonia, the southern tip of South America, while expounding upon ideas that made him leave a job he loved for the open road.
The Thousand Year Journey