In this sequel to 1979's "Goldie and the Boxer," the ingratiating twosome, heavyweight champ and his 10-year-old manager, flee to California when a vengeful promoter who lost a bundle on the title fight wants retribution.
Goldie and the Boxer Go to Hollywood
Michael Brennen, a San Francisco private eye gets dragged into a drug-smuggling operation while searching for the girlfriend of a deal client, leading Brennen to a politically prominent family.
Cocaine and Blue Eyes
Lighthearted tale of a 10-year-old girl who, when her boxer father dies, strikes up a relationship with a struggling fighter who was his sparring partner and takes on the job of managing him from obscurity to the championship.
Goldie and the Boxer
A homicidal dune-buggy trio terrorizes a busload of Las Vegas bound tourists with the intent to kidnap one of them.
Detour to Terror