Bronek Pekosinski lives in Zamosc, Poland. He is probably 83 years old. He has no family and does not really know who he is. Everything about his life is fictitious: symbolic is the date of birth - the day World War II broke out, as well as his surname - after...
The Case of Bronek Pekosinski
Adam has had a series of failures in his life: his aunt had just died, and his inherited apartment was flooded by a troublesome neighbor from above. The man visits her and tries to intervene. A chance meeting turns into an emotional rollercoaster, the life and...
For Better Weather
Bardzo krótki strajk. 14-15 grudnia 1981 roku
The scientists speaking in the film make it clear that hundreds of people in institutes around the world worked together in working groups on the digital breakthrough. In Poland, we did not have advanced equipment, but scientific thought did not differ in leve...
The Bloodless Revolution
Po całym ciele
A potem nazwali go bandytą
Człowiek ze studni
Portrait of Tadeusz Jaworski, one of the first graduates of PWSFTviT, and an unjustly forgotten filmmaker who was expelled from Poland in March '68 for his Jewish origins.
The Eternal Wanderer
Janusz Nasfeter, one of the greatest Polish directors, talks about his childhood and youth, the events of the occupation period and after the war. These memories became an inspiration for his work.
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