After suffering a brutal attack on Christmas Eve, a young woman, Nikki, struggles to convince her friends that the assailant was none other than Ol' Kris Kringle. When Santa returns to terrorize the group in their remote cabin the next Christmas, Nikki and her...
Santa Isn't Real
A couple returning from their engagement party must escape from a seemingly endless forested backroad causing them to lose their grip on reality... and a killer hunting them from the surrounding woods.
Drive Back
An amateur filmmaker, struggling to turn his passion into a career, returns with friends to Loveland, Ohio, the location of his first, notorious sighting of the Frogman, determined to obtain irrefutable proof that the cryptid legend exists.
When a vlogger and her crew embark on their annual river float to commemorate the untimely loss of their friend, they are plunged into a life and death battle with a mysterious local, a sinister paranormal force, and their own fears.
Sequel to the found footage film, Frogman.
Frogman 2