In this shocking account based on a true story, newlywed Laurie Wade finds her marriage, and eventually the rest of her life, shattered by her deep-rooted psychotic behavior. The young woman soon begins a terrifying descent into insanity and brings danger to a...
Murder of Innocence
Aspiring writer Robert Slatzer befriends Norma Jean Baker in 1946, the year she becomes Marilyn Monroe.
Marilyn and Me
A woman contemplates having an affair, which leads her into a web of deceit, suspense, and murder.
The Woman Who Sinned
Sisters-in-law Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, and Diana Spencer, the Duchess of Windsor, lead glamorous, often tumultuous lives under the watchful eye of their mother-in-law, the Queen.
The Women of Windsor
The Final Days concerns itself with the final months of the Richard Nixon presidency.
The Final Days