In a quiet suburban town in the summer of 1958, two recently orphaned sisters are placed in the care of their mentally unstable Aunt Ruth. But Ruth's depraved sense of discipline will soon lead to unspeakable acts of abuse and torture that involve her young so...
The Girl Next Door
Mona Gray is a 20-year-old loner who, as a child, turned to math for salvation after her father became ill. As an adult, Mona now teaches the subject and must help her students through their own crises.
An Invisible Sign
Set in 1973 and inspired by true events, 'Wild About Harry' follows the havoc wreaked in a teen girl’s life when she discovers that her widowed father is gay. Alternately comic and tragic and anchored by an impressive ensemble cast, the film captures both the...
Wild About Harry
The executive producers of High School Musical keep the good times rolling with this upbeat musical comedy set in the one place every American teenager's home away from home - the local shopping mall. Ally (Nina Dobrev) is an optimistic adolescent singer/songw...
The American Mall
Three young women from a parallel universe play a blind date reality game that culminates in the euphoric Flashout. They get trapped on unfamiliar planet Earth by a reality repairman who must destroy their pleasure-filled game before the Multiverse is permanen...