Yeh, a gifted student, transfers to Edison Junior High, a private school renowned for its academic performance. Disturbed by the gloomy atmosphere and distorted institutions, the rebellious Yeh begins to challenge everything he sees and feels. Little does he k...
The Blue Choker
Insurer Ah-bin lived to his forties and never thought that he could be a saint. Just by stamping on policies and he can change people's lives. Everything starts from the loan shark, Mr. Hsi who saw the potential business from Ah- bin. As long as Mr. Hsi pays...
Viatical Settlement
Hsu Zi Qi is a young woman who lives alone in the city. Lee is the autistic son of Zi Qi's landlady, who tries to free himself from his protective mother. Feng is a shy young builder, who struggles with the constant breakdowns of his car.
Missing Johnny
She just wanted to feel a little lighter—her body, her soul, everything. One day, as she left the swimming pool, Jade noticed her bag seemed to be dripping, the dampness seeping into her very being. Determined to shed it all, she made her choice…
When the Water Stills