A young reindeer named Niko dreams about flying like his father, whom he has never met. Despite constant teasing from others, he sneaks out of his home valley to take flying lessons from Julius, a flying squirrel.
The Flight Before Christmas
No Love Lost rocketed to fame and made its members stars. Guitarist Tony has drunk himself to poverty when a message reaches him: after years of sobriety, singer Katarina has relapsed and is in dire straits. Tony gets a visit from Katarina's distant daughter E...
One day Moomintroll wakes to notice that grey dust is covering everything in the Moominvalley. He runs to ask the philosophical Muskrat if he knows what is happening, who advises him that things tend to look like this before an awful fate coming from the sky h...
Moomins and the Comet Chase
Set right before Christmas, young reindeer Niko must deal with his mother's remarriage and his being tasked with looking after his little stepbrother.
Niko 2: Little Brother, Big Trouble
After a volcanic eruption causes floods, members of the moomin family find refuge inside a floating theater.
Moomin and Midsummer Madness
Adopted, 12-year-old Salla lives in Lapland. After she rescues some wolf cubs from a poacher, her mission to keep them safe helps her reunite with her mother, who shares her mysterious connection with nature.
Mystery of the Wolf