The Franco Roast Red Carpet Pre-Show is hosted by Franco's real-life grandmother, Mitzie Verne and comedian Jonah Ray. Mitzie brings the Franco family perspective to the carpet and spends time on her couch with celebrity attendees, while Jonah stumps talent wi...
Roast of James Franco: Red Carpet Pre-Show
Celebrities recall their most mind-bending trips via animations, reenactments and more in this comedic documentary exploring the story of psychedelics.
Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics
Features Kevin White, Aramis Hudson, Zach Saraceno, Nico Hiraga, and Olan Prenatt skating, having fun, and getting into all of the hijinks that we’ve come to expect from the Civ.
Illegal Civilization 3
A clueless Trojan general must meet an unbeatable Greek warrior on the battlefield.
National Lampoon's The Legend of Awesomest Maximus
Adam Devine and a team of marine biologists deploy a CATS camera tag on a massive tiger shark, and it yields a surprising scientific discovery; a secret tiger shark lair.
Adam Devine's Secret Shark Lair