Family - In this family tale based on a true story, a woman who suffered a violent pit bull attack comes to terms with the harrowing experience by adopting a puppy that was severely beaten, burned and left to die. - Emmanuelle Vaugier, Burgess Jenkins, Andrea...
Susie's Hope
A middle-aged ex-con hired to manage his nephew's fledgling music career is caught between working for and taking down the neighborhood's crime boss.
Hit a Lick
Sarah, an abused 16-year-old girl, is sent to a ranch for abuse survivors, and she meets Dreamer, a horse which has also suffered abuse. Together, Sarah and Dreamer overcome terrifying obstacles to find redemption.
An investigative journalist interviews a reluctant hero who has seen some horrific things in his career as a paramedic. Through the interview, his fantasy as a hero is stripped away to reveal the disturbing truth about his actions.
Interview with Ian