Angels of the Street or The Angel of St. Pauli is a 1969 West German crime film directed by Jürgen Roland and starring Horst Frank, Herbert Fux and Werner Pochath. It is set in the St. Pauli red light district of the port of Hamburg.
The Angels of the Street
Polizeirevier Davidswache
Die Gentlemen baten zur Kasse
Flight in Danger
One evening, the once successful architect Helmut is tired of the recession giving no jobs, he gets the idea of robbing a bank. He recruits members of his golf club that are not paying their fees.
Four Against the Bank
Stellenweise Glatteis
Doppelspiel in Paris
Ein Sarg für Mr. Holloway
Jacobowsky und der Oberst
Baal explores the cult of the genius, an anti-heroic figure who chooses to be a social outcast and live on the fringe of bourgeois morality.
Zehn kleine Negerlein
Tote ohne Begräbnis
Die vierzig Irrtümer des Herodes
Gottes zweite Garnitur
Die rote Rosa
The film around the intelligence officer Captain Smith plays in the headquarters of a British tank regiment shortly after the beginning of the invasion of 1944, where Le Havre waws to be overrun by allied troops and forced to surrender. Smith refuses to contin...
The bad soldier Smith
Die Falle
Rette sich, wer kann oder Dummheit siegt überall