With little or no embellishment, filmmaker Marguerite Duras offers a simple, often wordless chronicle of a woman's day. She and her friend are seen doing yard work, talking about their families and receiving the occasional visitor. The brightest spot in the da...
Nathalie Granger
A documentary on the making of Tchao Pantin (1983),featuring interviews with writer-director Claude Berri, novelist Alain Page, stars Richard Anconina, Mahmoud Zemmouri, Agnès Soral, cinematographer Bruno Nuytten and others.
Once Upon a Time... Tchao Pantin
A meeting between two friends: the cinematographer Caroline Champetier shoots a documentary about cinematographer Bruno Nuytten, making a film about his gesture and the relation between film art and craftwork.
This afterword to India Song (Duras' celebrated 1975 film) is organized in several parts. It begins with an interview to Marguerite Duras by Dominique Noguez, an expert in her work; the interview links the film to the two movies whom it's related to: The Ravi...
The Colour of Words