This compelling emotional drama stars Carol White as a young single mother who finds herself caught between two people – a local priest and a folk singer – each of whom wants to convert her to his own worldview. An elegy to a younger generation looking for som...
The inhabitants of a remote Scottish village live and learn.
As an Eilean
Four interconnected stories surrounding the escape from prison of a notorious serial killer.
Welcome to Curiosity
A young museum curator Isabelle (Katie Goldfinch) is sent to look at an ancient artefact, discovered in the basement of a stately home in Shropshire. Welcomed into the sprawling manor house by a seemingly hospitable family; Karl (Larry Rew),his wife Evelyn...
Crucible of the Vampire
Carl Moss leaves jail,where he has taken the rap for his evil twin Sterling,and has been declared a model prisoner. Pauline Sneek,his probation officer - and girlfriend - gets him community work teaching youngsters how to lead law-abiding lives. This displease...
Didn't You Kill My Brother?
Flynn finds himself thousands of pounds in debt to the biggest criminal in the county, due to his old friend Aiden's irresponsible behaviour, in this indie comedy set in Gloucestershire.
Last Chancers
John Parker, a 19 year old from Manchester, embarks on a journey to Brighton, the spiritual home of the Mods, on an old Lambretta scooter left to him by his father.
The Pebble and the Boy
When personal tragedies bring songwriters Amy and Matt together, they embark on a journey of healing, soul-searching and friendship, but where will it lead them?
All Roads Lead To Home