In the post-apocalyptic future, reigning tyrannical supercomputers teleport a cyborg assassin known as the "Terminator" back to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor, whose unborn son is destined to lead insurgents against 21st century mechanical hegemony. Meanwhile, the...
The Terminator
Unemployed and recently dumped, Mitch and his buddy Sam start a revenge-for-hire business to raise the $50,000 that Sam's father needs to get a heart transplant.
Dirty Work
A young actor's fascination with Rober De Niro's TAXI DRIVER persona leads him into a morass of strange and obsessional behaviors.
You Talkin' To Me?
A man combs Los Angeles for his missing daughter, and discovers she belongs to a gang dealing in crack.
Broken Angel
On the last day of Montgomery Clift's life, he reflects on some of the woman who effected him, Marilyn, Liz and Judy Garland - and the man who took him down, John Huston.