The familiar story of Lieutenant Bligh, whose cruelty leads to a mutiny on his ship. This version follows both the efforts of Fletcher Christian to get his men beyond the reach of British retribution, and the epic voyage of Lieutenant Bligh to get his loyali...
The Bounty
A young woman yields to a predetermined story. Someone’s son wrestles inside the abyss of his own skin. A woman’s face marked by hope, pain and triumph; a young girl rebels against expectation and success. Dolorosa is a short film reflecting on humanity in all...
When his over-protective parents pass away, friendless recluse John Cunliffe discovers their land to be extremely valuable, and he is forced to navigate the choppy waters of trust, vengeance and romance for the first time.
A black comedy set in a working-class Dublin hair salon where the stylists become accidental vigilantes and community heroes as they take on the gang members and gentrifiers threatening their community.
Deadly Cuts
In the mid 1970s a group of young men leave the Connemara Gaeltacht, bound for London and filled with ambition for a better life. After thirty years, they meet again at the funeral of their youngest friend, Jackie. The film intersperses flashbacks of a lost yo...
Joe Gibbons prepares to go back to the local cattle mart for the first time since his near fatal heart attack. But, it's no ordinary day and Joe is soon confronted with the harsh truth of his future.
At a competition, a young dancer waits nervously in the wings. Once on stage, however, she shines, demonstrating her great passion for Irish dancing.
An Rinceoir
Maybe if you knew where your Teddy Bear came from you wouldn't hug him so tightly.
When schoolteacher Kieran Johnson discovers that his father was not a French sailor (as he had been led to believe) but rather an Irish farmer, he looks to his mother for answers. When she refuses to provide any, Kieran travels to Ireland.
This Is My Father
When 12-year-old Mickey Miller moves from New York to Ireland, she soon discovers a link between herself and the 300-year-old legend of the mysterious Black Knight, who regularly haunts the sleepy Irish village. With courage and a sharp mind, she sets out to s...
The Legend of Longwood
Joe and Kate Ruttledge have returned from London to live and work among the small, close-knit community near to where Joe grew up. Now deeply embedded in life around the lake, the drama of a year in their lives and those of the memorable characters around them...
That They May Face the Rising Sun
A lonely farmer's daughter hopes to find love at the village ballroom.
The Ballroom of Romance
Liverpool. 1947. Right after World War II, a star struck naive teenage girl joins a shabby theatre troupe in Liverpool. During a winter production of Peter Pan, the play quickly turns into a dark metaphor for youth as she becomes drawn into a web of sexual pol...
An Awfully Big Adventure
The lives of seven friends who share a bus from their village to Dublin every day get complicated as the reasons for their discontent are revealed.
The Lilac Bus
On her way home from a party, drunk and driving a stolen car, a girl (17) hits an old man walking by the side of the road. When he won't wake up and the car won't start, it seems all she can do is bury him
A land surveyor working in an unnamed woodland area is disturbed and beguiled by a strange silhouette that moves amongst the trees.
Without Name
Ten-year-old Fiona is sent to live with her grandparents in a small fishing village in Donegal, Ireland. She soon learns the local legend that an ancestor of hers married a Selkie – a seal who can turn into a human. Years earlier, her baby brother was washed o...
The Secret of Roan Inish
'Lost and Found' is a film with 7 interconnecting stories set in and around a lost and found office of an Irish train station.
Lost and Found
The real-life story of Dublin folk hero and criminal Martin Cahill, who pulled off two daring robberies in Ireland with his team, but attracted unwanted attention from the police, the I.R.A., the U.V.F., and members of his own team.
The General
Alfie Byrne is a middle-aged bus conductor in Dublin in 1963. He would appear to live a life of quiet desperation: he's gay, but firmly closeted, and his sister is always trying to find him "the right girl". His passion is Oscar Wilde, his hobby is putting on...
A Man of No Importance