Craig, a young boy living in a small town befriends an older, reclusive billionaire, Mr. Harrigan. The two form a bond over books and an iPhone, but when the man passes away the boy discovers that not everything dead is gone.
Mr. Harrigan's Phone
A boy, bruised by life, finds his salvation through the love of his dogs.
When an array of unexpected guests arrive at Moe's house, things begin to take a turn for the worse.
Moe's Woes
When a group of eccentric loners is scapegoated by the government and forced into a ridiculous group therapy program as part of its war on violence they must come together to stand up for their right to be alone.
Six years have elapsed since Guantanamo Bay, leaving Harold and Kumar estranged from one another with very different families, friends and lives. But when Kumar arrives on Harold's doorstep during the holiday season with a mysterious package in hand, he inadve...
A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas