This film is an adaptation of a short story of the same name, written by Kao Yi-feng. It tells the story of a green scarab beetle who has transformed into human form. As in the book, he is named "Vitamin." Vitamin surreptitiously enters people's apartments and...
The Mimicry
Midnight Playground
Sodom's Cat, from Taiwanese director Huang Ting-Chun, asks what it must be like to be a part of this world, and yet feel strangely distant from it. Sun is a young man who attends a sex party, organized via a dating app, with four other men. While the others se...
Sodom's Cat
Hao, a chubby gay man, works as a janitor at a gay spa. For him, romantic relationships are an unreachable dream. One day, an attractive customer, Kai, walks into the place, and Hao has the opportunity to massage him.
Gentleman Spa
Androgynous Phoenix Du, the illicit daughter of a presidential candidate, kills the thug who breaks into her apartment to silence her. She comes before prosecutor Jade Liu, guilt-ridden from the suicide of her brother and her strict Catholic upbringing. Before...
Wrath of Desire
In the summer of 1979, during Taiwan’s martial law period, Bing-Kuan asks her college friend Shu-Lan to help out on her family’s banana plantation. As time goes by, the two girls secretly develop a romantic relationship, and decide to volunteer at the Formosa...
Secrets of 1979
Gay high school couple - Ivan, a well-behaved local Taiwanese, and Eric, a rebellious international student from the US, take a road trip down the most dangerous highway in Taiwan. Their trip is cut short when Eric reveals that he must return home after gradua...
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