The epic story of the mighty khazak kingdom from the beyul of himalayas set on an ancient periodic setup. The story revolves around two major characters PREM and GEET, where prem is supposed to be the heir to the throne as he was born on the most auspicious ti...
Prem Geet 3
An educated young boy from remote Nepal who dreams of becoming a teacher in a government school, the story of his struggle to fulfill his dream amidst economic hardships.
Three individuals unite against societal norms perpetuating caste discrimination, facing challenges in their collective struggle to defy the existing caste-based social order.
Pujar Sarki
In the aftermath of a mysterious virus outbreak in 2030, humanity fled Earth. By 2090, the sole surviving human lives in the mountains of Nepal. When two astronauts, having settled in space, return to Earth, they inadvertently encounter this last human survivo...
Eklo I
Prem Geet 2, a sequel to 2016's Prem Geet, is a musical and tells the story of Prem and Geet, its two protagonists, and their journey from Burma to Martha, a rural village in Mugu, Nepal.
Love Song 2
Prem and Geet meet each other on the way to Kagbeni. Geet escaped from home because of her grandmother's continuous insistence to marry. Prem was on the way due to his personal deeds, but he was too pressurized to marry. Both fakes their marriage to get rid of...
Prem Geet