"Laia" is located in the imaginary village of Sinera, a fishing village inhabited by a series of extreme characters, indiscriminately diverted to the adversities of destiny. There, Laia lives, a woman marked by a miserable and unhappy childhood, that is debate...
After the death of his parents, Juan goes into an adventure to find Captain Escalaborns to whom he must deliver the map of a treasure to be searched together.
Captain Escalaborns
The sexy Gin is the new love of Hache, but this can not forget his former girlfriend, so the love triangle is inevitable.
I Want You
In Spain, a couple of days before a collective gay wedding, the lives of five mothers, whose sons will get married, are entwined: Judge Helena is in charge of the ceremony; the entrepreneur in hotel business Magda is hosting the guests in her hotel and is resp...
Minimalistic frieze fifteen episodes about human behavior (desire, submission, love, jealousy, wisdom, honesty, sincerity, passion, faith, ...) located between two fantastic stories about the will and doubt.
What's It All About
Fifteen stories, contemporary and some historical, where humorous, sarcasm and courage passed bills to pain, old age, death and love, but above all with human stupidity, without concessions, watching her face the difficult life balance and human misery.
A Thousand Fools
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