This is a documentary feature film about the phenomenal life and career of Tony Klinger's father, the legendary British film producer Michael Klinger.
The Man Who Got Carter
A profile and history of film director Akira Kurosawa.
Kurosawa: The Last Emperor
Over a candid interview with its subject, a documentary concerning the life and work of film director Mike Hodges.
Mike Hodges: A Film-Maker's Life
A feature length documentary about the real state of the British film industry in relation to UK structures past, present and currently for the future. This film exposes the shocking truths about the UK Governments' will to grow an indigenous British film indu...
Who Killed British Cinema?
A look at the roller coaster life of Sam J. Jones since his role as Flash Gordon, his struggles and successes, and the aftermath of when he went up against one of the most powerful producers in Hollywood.
Life After Flash