It’s 1965 and Lia, a spirited young woman living in a small Sicilian town, is initially attracted to Lorenzo, the son of the most prominent (and possibly Mafia-tied) local family. His possessiveness eventually repels her. But soon after, he appears with his cr...
The Girl From Tomorrow
The story of Alberto Lenzi, Public Prosecutor of Reggio Calabria, cynical, indolent and disillusioned who, upset by the killing of a friend and colleague, finds the inner strength to fight in the service of justice and truth.
Il giudice meschino
Parthenope, born in the sea near Naples in 1950, is beautiful, enigmatic, and intelligent. She is shamelessly courted by many. However, beauty comes at a cost.
United by an uncompromising struggle as members of the infamous 1970s far-left terrorist group Prima Linea, fugitive couple Sergio and Susanna have become increasingly alienated from the real world. Their luck runs out when Susanna is captured and thrown in ja...
The Front Line
For the sommeliers, coffee has three flavors: bitter, sour and a bit of fragrant towards the end. Through the common element of this so evocative product, this movie tells three stories set in three very different parts of the world. In Belgium, during some ri...
In Polignano a Mare, covered in snow, they are more nervous than usual. Hysterics, anxiousness, pregnancy tests, lost rings and stuck lifts - what else can happen?
Christmas Dinner
The life and times of Pippo Fava, a Sicilian journalist who fought the Mafia through his local newspaper in the '70s and early '80s, meeting an untimely end.
Before the Night
Siri is a 27-year-old girl who believes the bartender spat in her milkshake and from that day she sees him everywhere.
Mi hanno sputato nel milkshake
Sometimes you need to try unusual ways to start a family.
Finché c'è vita c'è speranza
After a terrorist attack in Rome, the government urges the population not to leave their houses: several couples clash during isolation. Shot during the first COVID-19 lockdown.
Il giorno e la notte