Grand Canyon revolved around six residents from different backgrounds whose lives intertwine in modern-day Los Angeles. At the center of the film is the unlikely friendship of two men from different races and classes brought together when one finds himself in...
Grand Canyon
On returning home to settle his late father's affairs, Joshua Pope (Busta Rhymes) finds a different town from the one he left. The once quiet and peaceful neighborhood is now at the mercy of a prejudice and corrupt police force. Joshua is joined by an old frie...
Full Clip
A criminal gang commits a string of violent robberies and murders, culminating in the assassination of the police detective on the case, which may lead to their downfall.
In the Line of Duty: The Price of Vengeance
Late one night, eight guys are sitting around at a cigar club in Beverly Hills, smoking cigars, playing high-stakes poker, and complaining about how, in life, men always seem to get screwed-over by women. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door.
Blowing Smoke
The story is simple – three guys; cousins from the same family, one a member of the Bloods, the other a member of the Crips, the third, caught between the ignorance. An urban tale, spawning grit and realism, Banged Out dares to open a Pandora's box of wicked t...
Banged Out
A farmer struggles to protect his home and loved ones amidst the violent turmoil of the Zimbabwean land seizures.
The Zim
Maurice Hines, a charming, gay African-American entertainer navigates the complications of show business while grieving the loss of his more famous, often estranged younger brother, tap dance legend Gregory Hines.
Maurice Hines: Bring Them Back
Young Kid has been invited to a party at his friend Play's house. But after a fight at school, Kid's father grounds him. None the less, Kid sneaks out when his father falls asleep. But Kid doesn't know that three of the thugs at school have decided to give him...
House Party