Tells the story of one day in the lives of the various people who populate a police detective squad. An embittered cop, Det. Jim McLeod, leads a precinct of characters in their grim daily battle with the city's lowlife. The characters who pass through the prec...
Detective Story
"Patton" tells the tale of General George S. Patton, famous tank commander of World War II. The film begins with Patton's career in North Africa and progresses through the invasion of Germany and the fall of the Third Reich. Side plots also speak of Patton's n...
As he approaches manhood, Ben Meechum struggles to win the approval of his demanding alpha male father, an aggressively competitive, but frustrated marine pilot.
The Great Santini
After being double-crossed and left for dead, a mysterious man named Walker single-mindedly tries to retrieve the rather inconsequential sum of money that was stolen from him.
Point Blank
Attractive, affluent married couple Mitch and Lindy Garrison sail their yacht to Tahiti to recharge their relationship and add spice to their upper-middle-class lives, but things don't go as planned when they wind up falling overboard.
A penniless woman meets a strange girl who insists she is her long-lost mother and becomes enmeshed in a web of deception, and perhaps madness.
Secret Ceremony
A sophisticated con man mounts an intricate plan to rob an airport bank while the Soviet premier is due to arrive.
Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round
Axel, secretly AWOL from the army, joins a black waterfront worker in his fight against bigotry. Television film for The Philco Television Playhouse later remade as Edge of the City (1957).
A Man Is Ten Feet Tall
A middle-aged woman finds herself simply a widow, a grandmother and a person when a friend takes her to the Stardust Ballroom, a dance hall which recreates the music and atmosphere of the 1940s. There she encounters a most unlikely Prince Charming, a middle-ag...
Queen of the Stardust Ballroom
D.A. Paul Ryan doesn't buy self-defense when a pharmacist fatally shoots an armed robber and brings the man up on manslaughter charges, for which he's convicted. However, when Ryan discovers the pharmacist's double life--he's been running a burglary ring out o...
The D.A.: Conspiracy to Kill
The assassination of the would be ruler of Rome at the hands of Brutus and his fellow Senators has tragic consequences for the idealist and the republic.
Julius Caesar
A young doctor taking a break from work is shot in the head, and the police can't find a clue even as to a possible motive. Inspector Al Gordon (John Alexander) decides that he has to put some men on duty at the hospital, and one of them is Fred Rowan (Richard...
The Sleeping City
When fugitive human astronaut Virdon is shot, his chimp companion Galen must charm an old flame into accepting that a book on human surgery is no hoax. Meanwhile, their friend Burke is captured by the ape authorities and is to be brainwashed by a brilliant ape...
Life, Liberty and Pursuit on the Planet of the Apes
Sand devises a scheme to murder his former business partner and maintains his innocence throughout the trial, as he is prosecuted by District Attorney Travis Logan.
Travis Logan, D.A.
Theodore Hickman, a hardware salesman, makes by-yearly visits to Harry Hope's 1910-era waterfront bar for his periodical drinking binges. But on this visit he has decided to try to save the bar's patrons from their "lying pipe dreams."
The Iceman Cometh
First he seduced her. Then he made her a star. He was Johnny Hyde, 52-year-old agent, friend, lover. She was an unemployed starlet — destined to be America's greatest sex goddess. Theirs was a sizzling romance — torrid, touching, tragic.
This Year's Blonde
The first of two Kolchak: The Night Stalker compilation TV films. It combines two episodes of the Kolchak TV series, Firefall (about the ghost of an arsonist that tries to take over a renowned conductor's body as his doppelgänger) and The Energy Eater (about a...
Crackle of Death
A college student trying to decide on a career spends the summer before his senior year assisting social workers.
Summer of Decision