Abandoned by her father, a young woman embarks on a thousand-mile odyssey through the backroads of America where she meets a disenfranchised drifter. But despite their best efforts, all roads lead back to their terrifying pasts and to a final stand that will d...
Bones and All
A young single mother is held captive along with her two children by a violent ex and must plot their escape before it’s too late.
Shut In
A recording of Julie Taymor's New York stage production of William Shakespeare's comedy.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
In rural Oklahoma, Kateri loses her mother and flees foster care. She reunites with past foster parent Amziah King, who mentors her, revealing hidden skills. Facing devastating situations, Kateri relies on newfound strength to seek justice.
The Rivals of Amziah King
An homage to a lost horror film starring Lon Chaney, A Blind Bargain is inspired by a handful of remaining old photographs and newspaper reviews. This version is set in 1970 but commits to the same sense of dread and catastrophe as the original story about a y...
A Blind Bargain
At the dawn of the space-race, two radio-obsessed teens discover a strange frequency over the airwaves in what becomes the most important night of their lives and in the history of their small town.
The Vast of Night
After she’s permanently blinded in a tragic car accident, Rebecca receives some bizarre news: her long-lost mother has recently passed away, leaving her their family’s ancestral castle in rural Albania. Traveling to the estate with a group of friends, Rebecca...
Castle Freak
An aspiring photographer balances responsibilities of caring for an ailing grandmother and an internship with an aging photo artist.
Adam Bloom
Rumors of demonic possession at a religious convent prompts a church investigation into the strange goings-on among its nuns. A disaffected priest and his neophyte are confronted with temptation, bloodshed and a crisis of faith.