A thriller set in New York City during the winter of 1981, statistically one of the most violent years in the city's history, and centered on the lives of an immigrant and his family trying to expand their business and capitalize on opportunities as the rampan...
A Most Violent Year
A teenage con artist tricks a desperate mother into hiring her as a live-in companion for her autistic daughter.
Jack of the Red Hearts
Documentary - The documentary directed by Joshua Seftel follows the revival production of the Broadway musical including casting, rehearsals, and opening night. - Andy Blankenbuehler, Lilla Crawford, Madi Rae DiPietro
ANNIE: It's the Hard-Knock Life, from Script to Stage
During the quarantine, a close and eclectic group of New York theater industry friends gather for their weekly online Dungeons and Dragons campaign via an online app called Meeting Stone. Isolated and anxious about the pandemic, they set the mood for a new got...
Shadow Vaults
Sherry Graham, a self-destructive makeup saleswoman, hopes a new man and business venture will provide her a fresh start. After her plans are foiled, she takes control of her life in a dramatic turn of events.
Easy Living
A man becomes the superintendent of a large New York City apartment building where people mysteriously go missing.
The Super
Annie is a young, happy foster kid who's also tough enough to make her way on the streets of New York in 2014. Originally left by her parents as a baby with the promise that they'd be back for her someday, it's been a hard knock life ever since with her mean f...
In a small town in Massachusetts, four high school girls perform a ritual in an attempt to debunk the lore of Slender Man. When one of the girls goes mysteriously missing, they begin to suspect that she is, in fact, his latest victim.
Slender Man
It’s 1984 and outside a small-town nightclub, a group of 8th graders gather, grappling with a spate of recent suicides, UFO sightings, their absentee parents, and each other.
18 to Party
An optimistic, talented teen clings to a huge secret: she's homeless and living on a school bus. When tragedy strikes, can she learn to accept a helping hand?
All Together Now