August tells the story of two former lovers, Troy and Jonathan, who reunite after a long ago painful breakup. After spending several years in Spain, Troy returns to Los Angeles and decides to phone Jonathan and meet for coffee. A seemingly innocent rendezvous...
This All Hallows’ Eve, Nightmare is bent on conquering our waking world by crossing through the Dream Dimension, and converting each dreamer into a monster. Can Dr. Strange, Hulk and the Howling Commandos hold the line and put an end to his nefarious scheme?
Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell
The third installment in the successful Bad Ass action-comedy franchise. Bad Asses on the Bayou reunites the dynamic duo, Frank Vega (Danny Trejo) and Bernie Pope (Danny Glover),as they travel to Louisiana to attend the wedding of their dear friend Carmen Gut...
Bad Asses on the Bayou
In the aftermath of a deep space collision, a lone astronaut fights for survival. But to repair his critically damaged ship, he must cross through the malfunctioning Virtual Reality chamber. Therein lurk ghosts of a life left behind on Earth, and questions abo...
Destination: Unknown
When Claude Mallard, an agoraphobic woman, is at risk of losing her home to eminent domain, she turns to Ray, her live-in life size mechanical human, and Norman Kim, the neighborhood grocer... »
Eminent Domain