After losing his father, Alex discovers a box of unfinished scripts and a handkerchief with the name “Billy Knight” embroidered on it. Consumed with the desire to discover his identity, Alex embarks on a Hollywood adventure to track down this mysterious and re...
Billy Knight
A widowed child psychologist lives in an isolated existence in rural New England. When caught in a deadly winter storm, she must find a way to rescue a young boy before he disappears forever.
Shut In
Set in the early 1990s, "As You Are" is the telling and retelling of a relationship between three teenagers as it traces the course of their friendship through a construction of disparate memories prompted by a police investigation.
As You Are
A young man and his three younger siblings are plagued by a sinister presence in the sprawling manor in which they live.
On the 6th December 1995, three Essex gang members were brutally murdered in cold blood. It’s now early 1997 and whoever killed the three men have yet to be brought to justice. An associate of the men, still mourning the loss of his friends, is convinced that...
Rise of the Footsoldier: Part II
The Schoolboy tells the story of Claire Adams, a former teacher and her struggle with survivor's guilt. In the aftermath of a school shooting, she wants return to her old job, however the memories of her past keep haunting her.
The Schoolboy
A hard living, disillusioned, ex social worker becomes the unlikely savior to an anarchic gang of joy-riding, drug taking, thieving, out of control, care home runaway kids.
I Am Urban
Five young mutants, just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will, fight to escape their past sins and save themselves.
The New Mutants
In the aftermath of her tumultuous relationship with a charismatic and manipulative older man, Julie begins to untangle her fraught love for him in making her graduation film, sorting fact from his elaborately constructed fiction.
The Souvenir: Part II
After the tragic overdose of his estranged friend, Will, a recovering addict, returns home, where he is reunited with Claire, his friend's grieving mother, with whom he begins a secret but volatile affair.
No Future