A coming of age thriller about two 15-year-old girls, Sammy and Emily, who hark from different worlds but strike up a quick and deep friendship. But what should be the best summer of their lives takes an unexpected turn when they become accidental accomplices...
What Breaks the Ice
Set within the embrace of an intimate group of friends in college, Ace follows the emotional journey of a shy newcomer who discovers an attraction to longstanding group-member Z that he can neither ignore nor fully embrace. As the connection between Ace and Z...
Free-spirited Poppy and routine-loving Alex, who have been unlikely best friends for a decade, lives in different cities but spends every summer vacation together. The careful balance of their friendship is put to the test when they begin to question what has...
People We Meet on Vacation
Plot TBA.
Love Language
Riley has recently been discharged from rehab after struggling with food and body image issues. She soon meets Ethan and finds herself navigating the line between unconditional love and a new addiction.
Alice, a brilliant but troubled physicist, attempts to heal her trauma by using time travel but gets caught in a twisty, cat-and-mouse game of murder and violence in New York City.