The Limey follows Wilson, a tough English ex-con who travels to Los Angeles to avenge his daughter's death. Upon arrival, Wilson goes to task battling Valentine and an army of L.A.'s toughest criminals, hoping to find clues and piece together what happened. Af...
The Limey
Based on a story by Vietnam veteran Paul Staples, the film concerns six American Green Berets, held for 17 years in a Vietnamese POW camp. They are finally released in secret, during a delicate trade-talk session between Vietnam and the United States. Captain...
The Forgotten
Gail and Tom Hartman are struggling to stay together and decide to take a white-water rafting holiday adventure in Montana for their son Roarke's 10th birthday, only to meet up with a pair of mysterious men whose desperation grows, turning their vacation into...
The River Wild
Suzanne Somers appears in her first TV starring role in this romantic comedy about an aspiring singer torn between making the most of her one chance at fame in Las Vegas or giving her heart to a love-struck mountain man.
Happily Ever After
Lord John Morgan has returned to civilized life in England, but finds he has nothing but disdain for that life. Yearning to embrace the simplicity of the American West-and the Yellow Hands Sioux tribe he left behind, Morgan returns to the tribe's land only to...
The Return of a Man Called Horse
When Rachel, a radio personality, discovers a Purple Heart at a garage sale she decides to find out its history. She finds that the medal belonged to a man named Harlan Erickson, a long-lost brother of the town's leading citizen.
False Identity
Marshal Chris Adams turns down a friend's request to help stop the depredations of a gang of Mexican bandits. When his wife is killed by bank robbers and his friend is killed capturing the last thief, Chris feels obligated to take up his friend's cause and rec...
The Magnificent Seven Ride!
In the Fabulous Thirties, Doc Savage and his five Amazing Adventurers are sucked into the mystery of Doc's father disappearing in the wilds of South America. The maniacal Captain Seas tries to thwart them at every turn as they travel to the country of Hidalgo...
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze
When hot-headed Dan out-drives the thoroughly vicious Tony in a motorcycle race and wins a brand new bike, he sets in motion a chain of events that includes one blazing gas station and a disastrous rock slide.
Hell's Belles
In his travels, Caine meets up with an old man who has several surprises for him. The first being the destruction of the Shaolin order, the second being that the man is the father of the Emperor's nephew whom he killed in China, and the third is that he seeks...
Kung Fu The Movie
Scientists create "the perfect soldier" in a lab experiment by recombining his molecules. He is then sent out on dangerous but vital missions.
J.O.E. and the Colonel
The story concerns two grizzled mountain men -- Bill Tyler and Henry Frapp -- during the dying days of the fur-trapping era. The plot begins when Running Moon runs away from her abusive husband Heavy Eagle and comes across the two seedy fur trappers. The mount...
The Mountain Men
When his brother-in-law runs afoul of a drug lord, family man Chris Farraday turns to a skill he abandoned long ago—smuggling—to repay the debt. But the job goes wrong, and Farraday finds himself wanted by cops, crooks and killers alike.
A Chicago man and his family move to an Idaho pig farm, where he's crippled by an angry sow.
Hog Wild
This docudrama follows the court-martial of the title character, the man held responsible for the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War.
Judgment: The Court Martial of Lt. William Calley
Fraser's unrequited love for the beautiful and rich Ginny gets a chance to prove itself, when she is suddenly kidnapped. He teams up with rebel Mac, who's got a score to settle with the kidnappers. Together they cross the country, looking for Ginny and the bad...
Rescue Me
They are the perfect, and politically correct, couple. He is a judge, she is a high profile attorney. When she takes on a sensational murder case, the trail leads right to her own front door.
Naked Lie
A female mayor (Victoria Principal) of Albuquerque gets embroiled in a fight over the development of a new economic center. In the midst of this, she receives blackmail photos of an overnight fling she had with a stranger and threats of blackmail. On top of al...
Sparks: The Price of Passion
Set in the heart of America in the 1930s. Walter Osgood (Louis Gosset Jr) is the only black man left in the town of High Lonesome that has been cleared by the overwhelming white supremacist beliefs. Having lost his entire family to them and not knowing where h...
A Father for Charlie
A searing commentary on the "win at all costs" mentality of American high school sports. David Lee Birdsong is the smalltown quarterback hoping to escape with a college scholarship and a pro career. David's father is the overbearing taskmaster vicariously livi...
Blood Sport