This film follows the remarkable and inspirational true story of Paul Potts, a shy, bullied shop assistant by day and an amateur opera singer by night.
One Chance
Light years from Earth, 26 years after being abducted, Peter Quill finds himself the prime target of a manhunt after discovering an orb wanted by Ronan the Accuser.
Guardians of the Galaxy
An American scientist who was convicted of killing and cannibalizing two colleagues in the jungles of Flores, Indonesia in 1977. Branded "The American Cannibal" by the press during his trial, Dr. Timothy Darrow defended himself by claiming a mythic human-ape...
The Cannibal in the Jungle
In 2009, just two minutes into US Airways flight 1549, a flock of birds struck the plane taking out both engines. With no power, the Captain decided to attempt the near impossible - to land it in New York's Hudson River.
Miracle Landing on the Hudson