The story of the film unfolds in one night. A chance meeting of a young boy and an old woman on Christmas night. From behind the dark clouds of their life full of secrets, the Sun breaks out unexpectedly for them too: the Christmas Eve, which starts out as hop...
Csendes éj
Hungary’s best chef pushes her cooks to the brink of insanity. Dani has been working relentlessly for many years, and sacrificed everything for recognition… to no avail. In his final desperation, he makes an alliance with a senior colleague and prepares for so...
A Csoda
A theater director tries to put on a play with real underprivileged Roma people about their lives but, feeling advantage of, the actors leave the troupe to gain a new consciousness.
Three Thousand Numbered Pieces
Csinálok egy teát
The Seventh Circle
2030, Budapest. In an empty cinema, two strangers (a boy and a girl) sit next to each other and start chatting. They soon realise, their encounter is far beyond coincidence...
Perfect Match
The main character begins to feel deeper emotions for a guy, but she is afraid of falling in love again because of what happened before with her first love.
Above the Clouds
Tomi is fleeing. While he’s running away from his past, he relives his traumas, the controversial relationship with his father and his elder brother. The silhouette of a family tragedy oppresses him.
Szemem fénye
It tells the story of Adam who lives in isolation due to his stuttering, and hip-hop is the only way he can get rid of his speech impediment.
Seeing What You See
T.Ú.K. - Tanár úr kérem!
Semmi komoly
In 1849, the liberation war against the Habsburg Empire is close to its end in Hungary. Having hidden from military draft, Barnabás leaves his hometown and walks across the country to find and save his wounded brother who has been hiding with a guerilla group...
Alpar has his first day of work at the border between Hungary and Serbia. Stationed there to save his country from refugees, he is confronted with the reality of being a border guard and is forced to adapt to the merciless customs.
Everything Alright
The film tells the story of Dávid, an eighteen-year-old negligent teen. After eight years of being apart, Dávid and his mother move back from Vojvodina to Hungary to live with Dávid’s father. We slowly discover Dávid’s secret operation: he illegally transports...