Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a se...
In this newspaper drama, a female reporter and a newsreel cameraman are both assigned to cover the Sino-Japanese war. They meet on the boat ride over and decide to team up. They are further assisted by a Chinese cameraman. The three of them manage to expose of...
North of Shanghai
The Eagle uses sky writing to make threats against a corporation. Nathan Gregory owns a travelling fairground and is thought to be the Eagle. Craig McCoy is a pilot who goes looking for the Eagle when Gregory turns up missing.
The Shadow of the Eagle
Freddie, a rich young idler, meets Julia Harrington, a wealthy social service worker who runs a haven for reformed criminals. By telling her he is a hardened criminal, he is allowed to stay at the mission.
Good Morning, Judge
Sliding Home is the tenth episode of the second series of Universal Pictures serial "The Collegians."
Sliding Home
When the freshman girls beat the sophomore girls in the big relay race, the 'Frosh' start lording it over the 'Sophs.' Will the 'Sophs' take that kind of treatment? Not a chance!
The Relay
Restricted to his room at college Ed sneaks out dressed as a girl attracting the attention of Don until he discovers Ed is not a girl and the two get into a fight. Their trainer, Tom, catches his two-star baseball men fighting and breaks benches Ed. The Calfor...
Around the Bases
Series #1, Episode #2 of The Collegians.
Fighting to Win
Chapter 11 of the silent serial "The Collegians".
Breaking Records
Episode 6 of The Collegians silent film series (consisting of 46 chapters) full of high jinks and romance!
Fighting Spirit
Chapter 15 of 46 of the Universal Pictures silent series "The Collegians".
Crimson Colors
Another chapter of the Universal Pictures silent serial "The Collegians".
A Fighting Finish
The Dazzling Co-Eds
Chapter 2 of the second series of the Universal Pictures silent serial "The Collegians".
The Winning Five
Episode 6 of the second series of Universal Pictures serial "The Collegians".
The Winning Punch
Chapter 5 of the second series of 46 of the Universal Pictures silent serial "The Collegians".
Samson at Calford
Episode #9 of the second series of the Universal Pictures serial "The Collegians".
The Winning Goal
Disappointed that her daughter has not married into money, a mother meddles trying to make the girl unhappy with life in her new home, the economical housing development known as Honeymoon Flats.
Honeymoon Flats
Episode #2 of the third series in the Universal Pictures serial "The Collegians".
Calford vs. Redskins
Episode #8 in the third series of the Universal Pictures serial "The Collegians".
Calford on Horseback