The twenty-one-minute-film is set in a men's public rest room and recounts the day to day existence of an elderly woman who serves as an attendant in the lavatory. As an endless procession of men pass before her, relieving themselves in the urinals, the attend...
When Angels Fall
A lonely old lady collects used dolls from the garbage can, wanting to create a fairy-tale paradise in her home. A paradise that is a great dream for herself. Surrounded by dolls, the world of fantasy triumphs over reality. In the world of fairy tales created...
Ene... due... like... fake...
A filmmaker and his wife, an actress visit their cabin in the woods for the first time in 10 years. He sets about filming whatever he can in the area, including an alluring blonde who lives nearby.
The Spinning Wheel of Time
A short Polish black and white silent movie directed by Roman Polański. The film features two men who emerge from the sea carrying a large wardrobe, which they proceed to carry into a town. Carrying the wardrobe, the two encounter a series of hostile events, i...
Two Men and a Wardrobe
Warsaw is mysteriously running out of water during the summer heat wave. This mystery can only be solved by a Polish superhero known as As.
A portrait of the director's family painted against a backdrop of changing seasons. A deep reflection on the meaning of existence and the inevitability of passing time and death.
The Four Seasons
The story of a married couple, actress and director, who live in the bosom of nature, in a stream hut, and realize a story about their own lives, thoughts and fantasies. Working on a film is a naive attempt to search for meaning in life.
The Sundial Clock
Pamiętnik Andrzeja Kondratiuka