The world of Eternia in the aftermath of Skeletor's war on Castle Grayskull, which he has won after seizing Grayskull and the surrounding city using a cosmic key developed by the locksmith Gwildor. The Sorceress is now Skeletor's prisoner and he begins to drai...
Masters of the Universe
A young German Jesus-like figure journeys somewhat aimlessly through the poverty of Glasgow's Gorbals, New York, and Calcutta, encountering eccentrics and misfits as he travels, before reaching some sort of peace in Hawaii.
Herbie Altman is framed for Stock fraud by his boss when the SEC starts investigating his company. Sent to prison, he helps a fellow inmate successfully invest his money. Soon all the inmates want his help. To manage all the money, he forms CON INC. and runs i...
Buy & Cell
People search for an ancient jewel in Istanbul.
Curse of the Red Butterfly
Sex education film made by Dietrich Krausser.
The Technique of Physical Love
Times have changed! Women are no longer off with the unimaginativeness of men. Sex machines are just as frowned upon as limp softies. Sex is no longer talked about behind closed doors.
Love 80
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